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Monday, August 10, 2009

From Wimps To Warriors

Bishop Vashti McKenzie

It may seem to some that we have been set up to fail. God has asked us to live a life that is humanly impossible. Our sinful nature still sends us emails, text messages and tweets. The good, that we want to do, goes undone and the sin, that should be avoided, starts to look real good.

We are fighting a life and death battle with the sin that wants to control our lives. That which seeks to kill, destroy, distract and disrupt does not fight fair or adhere to appropriate rules of engagement.

God has asked us to serve in a world that is a combat zone. The kingdom of God clashes violently with the kingdoms of this world. There is the pagan environment of 21st century idols, statues, consumerism, sorcerers, temples and secular humanism. The deck is stacked against us, because we have been asked to do what is humanly impossible: to go, teach and make disciples of all nations.

Sponsor AdJesus knew we'd need help. He promised another comforter and that promised help arrived when the day of Pentecost had fully come (Acts 2). This was not a result of a class or course, mind-bending chants, candle lighting, ointment application, potions, drink or pill. It was the Holy Spirit of the living God who transformed wimps into warriors with life giving attitude altering power.

The Holy Spirit transformed their fears into bold confidence. The disciples were hiding behind closed doors. Now, those who had run from the public were now running in public empowered to tell the gospel. Everyone heard the gospel in his or her own language. They testified before the Sanhedrin court with such confidence, that the report read that the religious leaders realized they had been with Jesus. (Acts 4: 13-31)

The Holy Spirit transformed their weaknesses and abilities into gifts. Peter had denied Jesus three times. Now, he was preaching his trial sermon. The church grew that day from 120 to 3,120. Talk about church growth! His activities and capabilities were clothed with a power not his own. Just his shadow crossing the path of the sick brought healing.

The Holy Spirit transformed their feelings of abandonment into an ardent advocacy for Christ. The disciples would travel from city to city teaching and preaching. They were stoned, thrown to the lions, beaten, jailed, hunted and mistreated. They were told to stop preaching in the name of Jesus. They didn't stop, but started a movement beyond their human capabilities because of the gifting of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit gave them power to be the Lord's witnesses from Jerusalem to the utter most parts of the world, and the gifts of the Spirit empowered them to do ministry. You shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you.

As it was for them, so it is for believers. The Holy Spirit transforms our wimpy tendencies into warrior proclivities. We are not defenseless. There are weapons of warfare for every warrior, weapons that are not carnal but spiritual to the pulling down of the strongholds of the enemy.

The hymn writer sings the warriors national anthem "Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me... make me, mold me....use me". With a fresh filling, the Holy Spirit will confront, convict and comfort. He will motivate you in spite of obstacles. He will bring calm in the midst of storms, warn you of impending danger and lead you to truth.

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