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Sunday, May 24, 2009

12 Ways to Keep Going

12 Ways to Keep Going

Even when you feel mired in fear and sadness, there are ways to persevere.

By Therese J. Borchard

A woman who lives with chronic pain said to my mom the other day, "You can't sit around and wait for the storm to be over. You've got to learn how to dance in the rain."

That's a perfect description of living with depression, or any chronic illness. But what do you do on the days you don't think you can take the pain anymore? When you want so badly to be done with the suffering? What do you do when anxiety and depression have spun a web around you so thick that you're convinced you'll be trapped forever in those feelings?

We've talked about this on various threads of Group Beyond Blue. From the discussions there and on the Beyond Blue blog, I've compiled a few tools for moving past that harrowing darkness, suggestions on how to emerge from a place of panic, and techniques for how to dance in the rain.

Learn how to keep going.

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